WhatsApp course
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BAÅžLA to +1 415-915-7741
Fox TV anchor İsmail Küçükkaya leads Turkish speakers in a free 10-day WhatsApp course designed by MediaWise.
The daily 5-minute lessons include simple, yet practical, techniques designed to improve digital engagement and awareness. By the end of the course, learners will be able to identify and explain different types of misinformation, and practice techniques professional fact-checkers use for verification.
MediaWise partnered with the Faculty of Communication at to customize and localize the educational content. Serving in dual roles, Istanbul Bilgi University will also study the efficacy of the WhatsApp course. BÄ°LGÄ° was established in 1996 under the principle of learning not for school, but for life. With more than 150 programs for associate, undergraduate and graduate students, the university works to find ways to enlighten people, especially vulnerable portions of the population, on how to distinguish truth from falsity.
BİLGİ collaborated with Turkish fact-checking organizations and . As Turkey’s first fact-checking organization, Doğruluk Payı aims to advance Turkey’s socio-economic literacy and fight misinformation. Teyit aims to make critical thinking a shared value by analyzing suspicious information and conducting educational activities to improve critical digital literacy skills.
Küçükkaya joins this educational effort as a MediaWise Ambassador. He walks learners through the daily WhatsApp message, question and video. Participants must respond to the question to guarantee a lesson the next day.
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On WhatsApp, text
BAÅžLA to +1 415-915-7741
Fox TV anchor İsmail Küçükkaya walks you through what misinformation is, how it spreads and why it is sometimes hard to identify false information.
A Q&A with MediaWise international training manager Brittani Kollar
The latest course from MediaWise teaches Turkish adults how to discern fact from fiction online, one text message at a time.
The program will empower older adults in Brazil, Spain and Turkey to be more critical consumers of online content.